Once human-maintained facilities, such as power plants, go offline, mankind will indeed reenter the Dark Ages. Literally. Food preparation methods will revert to cooking over an open flame, interior climate will again be controlled by the changing of the seasons, and even the way humans maintain their safety will change.

Much like during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, people will be reduced to seeking the basic elements of food, water, and shelter. Lacking any of the components of this trifecta will cause an imbalance and can lead to serious health complications or even death. However, there may also be a fourth component to this schematic – security. This security can be defined as the insurance that a survivor will continue to possess that which they have despite outside forces. As in Hurricane Katrina’s wake, looters were found stealing throughout the city. This is all but guaranteed after a catastrophic event. Looters have a negative connotation, but encompassed in that moniker are everyday people scavenging for food to feed their starving families. If it comes down to it, providers will risk death if it could result in the perseverance of their families. This includes the use of violent force to obtain any of the three aforementioned necessities.

It is these looters that will become the first threat to the uninfected as chaos ensues.

In this new world, he who carries the biggest stick will be the victor. Some perceive that literally and resort to medieval weaponry as their line of defense. But in the initial stages, before widespread infection, guns will be the weapon of choice. Those who own them and know how to operate them will have a much easier time acquiring their basic necessities when faced with adversities of a lesser caliber.