Emergency Disaster Preparedness Plan

Why having an Emergency Disaster Plan is Important An emergency or disaster can strike quickly and without warning. Disasters can force individuals and families to evacuate their neighborhood or be confined to their homes. Deciding…

5 Methods Of Water Purification

We all know that water is essential for life – it’s just one of those no-brainers. But what if our water supply were to stop or get contaminated as a result of something like a…

DIY Bug Out Bag/Emergency Kit

The primary purpose of a Bug Out Bag (BOB) is to allow you to get out of danger as quickly as possible in a survival situation without being empty handed. The term ‘bug out’ simply…

Survival Food Basics

Survival Food. It’s a subject that any serious survivalist or prepper has to think about extensively. Weight There are many different options for survival foods out there. They are available as ‘freeze dried’, ‘dehydrated’, ‘ready…

Your Guide To UHF CB Radios

One way many people get lost in the bush these days is due to a lack of proper communications. Two way radios are considered a lifeline by firefighters, paramedics, mining company workers, farmers, remote area…